Is the Male Menopause Real?

Is the Male Menopause Real?

The female menopause marks the end of the female reproductive cycle. However, men experience a range of symptoms and changes while growing older, which some people compare to the effects of menopause. The condition appears in some literature as “andropause”. However,...
Too Much or Too Little Thyroid Hormones?

Too Much or Too Little Thyroid Hormones?

The Center for Diabetes and Endocrine Center are very experienced in many diverse endocrine conditions.  One of the most common diseases is a thyroid hormone disorder. Thyroid disorders can range from being too low (hypothyroidism) to being too high (hyperthyroidism)...
November is National Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Month and The Center for Diabetes & Endocrine Care wants to share advice for those living with diabetes or those who have prediabetes and want to make healthy changes. According to CDC, more than 100 million U.S. adults are now living...